Open Table Winter Update

I’m writing you today on this decidedly mid-winter day. Some of you are shoveling driveways and, if you are lucky, enjoying a snow day. Here on the west coast after several sunny spring-like days I am finding the return to wet and cold a harsh reminder that spring is indeed the way, but not here yet. As we are making our way through Lent heading towards Jerusalem, this time of patience and diligence can often feel as cold and dark as we sky outside the window. We journey on knowing that with the resurrection of Easter comes the possibility of rebirth and renewal, just as the bulbs push through the frozen ground or emerge from the mud puddles every year. With our regular phone meetings the Open Table board is journeying forward too. I am excited to share with you a couple opportunities for you to join in the journey too.

Love’s Obedience 
Brethren Mennonite Council, building on an idea from the 2012 Progressive Gathering, has developed a document entitled Love’s Obedience as a way for pastors, individuals, and congregations to bear witness to LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) inclusion.

“In this time in history, our affirmation of God’s love for the world calls us to affirm the sacred goodness and equality of people of every sexual orientation and gender identity, and to seek for all people the same good life that any of us wish for ourselves, including the possibility of marriage. For these reasons, we reject the barriers of discrimination and injustice that deny to lgbt people the blessing and support of the church as they seek to covenant with one another in faithful relationship…”
In every era, the gospel challenges persons of conscience and faith to take risks for the sake of justice. Love’s Obedience offers an opportunity to stand on the side of love. Pastors, individuals and congregations are invited to affirm this statement of conscience and intent with their signature.

Follow this link to the full document and join Open Table and others by adding your name:

Summer Internship
As Open Table continues to develop as an organization some generous donors have provided resources so that we might be able to offer a Summer Internship opportunity. This would be a wonderful experience for a young adult to connect with the work of Open Table and the larger church community while supporting the foundation work of a small non-profit. If you or someone you know would be interested in this experience you can get the full internship description on the OTC website Applications are due April 1! We are so excited to be able to offer this opportunity.

Gun Control
As a people of faith with a strong commitment to pacifism The Church of the Brethren has long been an outspoken voice in favor is gun control. As gun control legislation has once again entered the public conversation it is important for us to actively engage in the conversation. We would like to encourage you to send a letter to your legislator expressing your non-violence stance and encouraging them to enact real gun control legislation. On our website you will find a draft letter that you can edit as you wish along with a link to help identify who your current legislator is. It is important that as people of peace we speak out from our faith perspective.

With hope and visions of a warm spring we journey forward engulfed in a spirit of bold, visionary, inclusive love!

Elizabeth Ullery &
Open Table Cooperative Board,

Kathy Fry-Miller, Josih Hostetler, Aaron Ross
Ken Kline Smeltzer, Elizabeth Ullery