Feast of Love at NYAC

National Young Adult Conference is coming up soon, and it’s sure to be a great opportunity to connect with other progressive young people from across the country and the denomination. Because young adults have been and will continue to be an important part of the Feast of Love movement, we’re sending Elizabeth Ullery, one of our four young adults on our Interim Organizational Team!

Elizabeth will be at NYAC to connect with people who are interested in being a part of the Feast of Love, to listen for the ways that young adults are already at work helping to build the church of the future, and to support and empower emerging young leaders who are poised to make a difference in the church and the world.

Feast of Love will be sponsoring a workshop at NYAC, titled Young, Progressive, and BRETHREN! It will be a panel discussion between several young, progressive leaders discussing why being Brethren is important to them, where they see the church heading, and how we can all be a part of creating the beloved community Christ is calling us to be.

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